I like solving other peoples problems.
Designing software is what I do, but not who I am. This isn't a Confucius situation.
I’m Paul, I’m a UI designer, UX designer, Marketer, Brand Designer, Information Architect, Developer. Sigh... lets go with multidiscipline designer currently based in the South West of England, UK.
I have worn so many hats throughout my career that I am now resorting to wearing shoes instead.
Playful is key.
My methods might be unorthodox at times but they have served me well in my 15 year career drawing rectangles for companies around the world.
Software, ultimately, should be enjoyable to use. Not just because it works like it's supposed to, but because it solves an inherent problem in a delightful way.
I am a strong believer in simplicity, utilising bold colors*, and well written copy to bring software to life.
* I see the irony of that statement given this site is monochrome.
A passion for creating.
My passion for creating goes beyond digital design, and extends toward music and real-world art. I create ambient works as Oykoi and I build small scale projects to help solve small problems.
Check MoviePop if you want to chose a film based on a synopsis. Or CmdSymbol if you’ve ever struggled to find how to put an Apple command symbol (⌘) into a word document.